The Odontolgossum Story


The Odontoglossum Story

A new monograph by Stig Dalström, Wesley E. Higgins and Guido Deburghgraeve

The most comprehensive treatment of Odontoglossum since James Bateman’s classic Monograph of Odontoglossum in 1874.

The Odontoglossum Story is a monographic treatment with a new classification of the genus, which is divided into 6 sections, and further subdivided into series of similar species. This revised classification is based on the latest DNA science combined with morphological characteristics. The book presents all 77 species currently recognized in the genus. Nine natural Odontoglossum hybrids are also included as samples of the prolific tendency of many species to cross-pollinate with other sympatric members of the genus.

Each species is fully described and illustrated with a line drawing as well as with brilliant photographs. Many are taken in the natural habitat. Each species distribution is visually demonstrated with a map and by citations of examined herbarium specimens. Additionally, the story behind each species is presented in layman’s terms which make this monograph enjoyable reading.